To see

Imperia city of light and art

All places and items to discover, little treasures under the eyes of all, as the collegiate of Oneglia and Porto Maurizio, from Baroque to Neoclassical. Or hidden in the alleys, as the church of San Leonardo da Porto Maurizio protector citizen, the great Convent of the Poor Clares with its promenade roof, one of the most beautiful places in northern Italy, to the relationship with light and with the sea, lived since the eighteenth century. Or again, in search of masterpieces among the olive trees of the hinterland: the art gallery of the parish of Moltedo, surfaces painted medieval majestic sanctuary Montegrazie, the spontaneous architecture of Torrazza, bridges Clavi thirteenth century and, more to ‘interior of Dolcedo, the viewpoint of Castelvecchio .. The list could go on for a trip in the time that you would never expect.

Basilica of San Maurizio: the eighteenth-century neoclassical basilica is located in Porto Maurizio. Noteworthy are the imposing portico with Doric columns, the two towers placed at the sides of the facade and dome resting on an octagonal base. The Baroque interior offers numerous paintings 800.

Hanbury garderns: they sit on the Mortola promontory, a few kilometers from the French border. 18 hectares where there are hundreds of plants and flowers of all types, with different colors and sizes; the landscape aspect is typically English, with irregular paths and romantic rustic pergolas and patios with the picturesque view of the sea in the background.

Sanremo: Sanremo: Sanremo is without doubt one of the most famous and a symbol of the Italian Riviera. Sanremo is the city’s Casino, villas and flower gardens but also presents interesting works and buildings of historic and artistic interest such as the cathedral of San Siro, Romanesque-Gothic cathedral with baroque elements, the Church of Santo Stefano, one of Santa Maria degli Angeli . Among the many palaces and villas to visit Sanremo mention the beautiful art nouveau palace Devachan, whose name is of Indian origin and means “Heaven’s Gate” which was the home of Count Saville of English Mexborough.

Naval Museum of Western Ligure: important center of documentation and research on the art of building ships; it contain also some findings of expeditions to China and Tibet. In the same building they are preserved some memories of the Ligurian writer Edmondo De Amicis, author of the famous book.

Olive Museum: it was inaugurated in 1992 with the intent to illustrate to visitors the many wonderful features of the olive, the story of its history, its botany, technology extraction of oil, the taste, the trade, its importance in art and literature.

And there’s more! You can find many other museums, monuments, churches, historical sites and more.

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